четвъртък, 15 май 2014 г.

Island Sweet Skunk

Strain Name: Island Sweet Skunk
Grade: A+
Type: Sativa dominant hybrid.
Looks: Absolutely gorgeous! This plant produced long and dense spear shaped flowers glistening with resin. The buds are a patchwork of dark and light green, with hints of blue, purple, red, and orange.
Smell: While growing this plant had the most amazing scent of ripe pink grapefruit. After curing, the skunk heritage of this plant came out and became more pungent, and less fruity, but still a mouth watering scent nonetheless.
Taste: Exactly like pink grapefruit on the inhale, with a more earthy and skunky taste on the exhale.
Effects: Amazing! It hits me on the first exhale with a light and floaty feeling that sets in behind the eyes at first, and slowly works it’s way down my body. Appetite stimulation kicks in after about 10-15 minutes, followed shortly by some very nice analgesic effects. This is a great daytime smoke, as it keeps me energetic, while significantly reducing my stomach pain, and increasing my appetite. I find my ability to focus is greatly increased, and mundane tasks become much more enjoyable. No couchlock here whatsoever. Colors are more vibrant, music is enhanced, and I forget about any pain I was experiencing before I medicated. I also found this bud to be a very powerful sexual stimulant; increasing sensation, stamina, and libido quite dramatically. This is one amazing plant, and very powerful.
Potency: 10/10 Two small hits, and I was well medicated for three hours. Very easy to overdo this one, so be careful until you know how it effects you. The delicious taste and smell are just so enticing, you’ll want to keep going back for another hit.
Growers Notes: This plant produces thick and heavy colas, with incredible resin production, and an absolutely amazing grapefruit scent that sets in early in flowering. The sativa genes in this plant give her a tendency to stretch quite a lot after flipping to 12-12, so if height is a concern, you’ll want to shorten the time you veg this one to keep your canopy at a manageable height. She produces very well, and takes full strength nutrients like a champ, but absolutely thrives on an organic feeding program that will allow her taste and scent to really shine through. Out of a pack of 10 seeds (Next Generation Seeds – Canada) I pulled 80% females that were all very consistent in their growth structure. Good stable genes at work here.

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