четвъртък, 15 май 2014 г.

Apollo 13

Strain Name: Apollo 13
Grade: A
Type: Sativa (Organic Grow)
Looks: Dark green leaves wrap the super dense buds. Tons of crystals like it was rolled in sugar. Has a very small amount of light orange hairs – the buds almost look yellow. (8/10)
Smell: Very unique smell! When the jar is cracked it smells similar to the way the vortex strain tastes. Best way to describe the smell is a fresh spicey earthy smell with a hint of sweet whiskey and tea. When it’s broken up it has the same twang that vortex has; which is a spicy skunky, pungent smell. (9/10)
Taste: Spicy, earthy, tea like taste. Hard to describe, but it tastes yummy! Leaves a skunky aftertaste. It tastes very similar to strain vortex!  (10/10)
Effects: Day and night time use.  Zooted but still able to get stuff done without being locked on to the couch. Good for tedious tasks or for creative inspirations. (9/10)
Potency: Strong (8/10)

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