вторник, 6 май 2014 г.

Poll: Colorado residents believe marijuana legalization good for state

DENVER — Nearly four months after recreational marijuana use became legal in Colorado, residents believe it has been good for the state, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Monday morning.
Fifty-two percent said marijuana legalization has been good for Colorado, with 38 percent saying it hasn’t and 10 percent unsure. When it comes to driving, 54 percent said marijuana legalization has not made roads less safe, while 39 percent said it has.
Republicans (63 percent to 28 percent) and voters 65 and older (62 percent to 28 percent) say legalized marijuana has been bad for the state.
Other highlights of the poll: Legalized marijuana will save the state and taxpayers money (53 percent to 41 percent); legalized marijuana will have a positive impact on the criminal justice system (50 percent to 40 percent); legalized marijuana “increases personal freedoms in a positive way” (53 percent to 44 percent); and legalized marijuana has not “eroded the moral fiber” of those in the state (67 percent to 30 percent).
“Colorado voters are generally good to go on grass, across the spectrum, from personal freedom to its taxpayer benefits to its positive impact on the criminal justice system,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the poll.
While 49 percent of those polled said they’ve tried marijuana, only 15 percent admitted using it since it became legal Jan. 1.
The poll was conducted by phone from April 15-21 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 points.

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